April 8, 2020



Many of us get lost in a sea of details when we try to understand the Bible.  We fail to comprehend the miracle of 66 individual books written over a period of 1400 years, by about 40 different authors, from many walks of life.  Despite all the diversity of the Bible’s human authors, they proclaimed one central theme… Jesus, From Genesis to Revelation. Understanding that Jesus is the theme of the Bible from cover to cover will revolutionize the way you read the Scriptures.



Life is a marathon. Marriage is a marathon. Ministry is a marathon. They are not sprints. To run a marathon requires, among other things, patience, endurance, and encouragement. There are two instruments, which God has given to us that are eternal: His Word and His people. We need the encouragement that comes through passages from the Word and people of the Word to keep us in the race. Going the distance combines these instruments that God has provided to keep me running.


Or listen to the Audio Book below



THE REVELATION TO REMEMBER is an attempt to simplify the book of Revelation. It is designed for those who want to know what is in Revelation but cannot take the time to wade through all the commentaries that have been written on this one book alone. I have studied the book of Revelation for years. I have taught through the book at least 20 times, and I have discovered it to be a source of great comfort, strength and encouragement.


Author Stephen P. Troxel, M.Div., and his wife, Connie, have been married 46 years, have two daughters and six grandchildren. Steve was a senior pastor for 42 years, the last church being Wayside Chapel Evangelical Free Church in San Antonio, Texas, which he served as senior pastor for 34 years. In 2006, they built upon the world wide missions focus of Wayside Chapel and founded a new ministry called Shepherds’ Support, Inc. The purpose of Shepherds’ Support is to equip, encourage and engage ministry leaders and their spouse in less resourced areas of the world so they can finish well in both their marriage and ministry.